We hope you will find “My Vision Island” a good resource for development of your own Vision
There are links and articles about many effective ways to work with the energies of your mind and body…. imagination, discipline, curiosity, reasoning, researching, intuition, bodywork
Do you think play is an important way to engage and open up your thinking?
Coming soon: We are creating some fun and interesting ways to light up some paths in your imagination.
Imagine your own island just over the horizon of your daily mind. Start with a map! You can print out one or more, then mark up and draw things on, paste things on…… Name your features – bays – harbors – villages – cafes – mountains – caves – —— Coming Soon —
Try out some of our Quick-Starter journal pages with creative prompts to help get the ink flowing. — Coming Soon —
We have a nice section on creating “Vision Boards”— actually, Visualization Boards- because there are many desires you might want to apply the “Vision Board” experience to…think “Joy” “Travel” “Pets” “Sports” “Books” …and on. We help you with images, starter examples, sources…. — Coming Soon —